Women, Infants and Children’s health center waiting room before and after Pop Spot! was installed.

Pop Spot!

Client: Milwaukee Cares/ Office of Early Childhood Initiatives

Agency: BVK/Serve
Design/Illustration: Charity Ekpo
Art Direction: Brian Steinseifer/ Charity Ekpo
Copywriting: Kia Namin

Wisconsin has the widest racial achievement gap of any state, largely due to a lack of equal accessibility of the tools needed for early brain development. This lack of access fails to prep toddlers (0-3), whose brains develop the most during this time in their life, for kindergarten readiness, which directly impacts their future success. 

We want to change that by informing the parents/caregivers of this issue, bringing educational spaces to them and showing them that even the simplest activities can have a massive impact on their children.

BVK/Serve teamed up with Milwaukee Cares and the Office of Early Childhood Development to bring colorful, interactive and educational public play spaces called Pop Spots to these at risk areas of Milwaukee.

Pop Spot!, helps parents and caregivers recognize and engage in educational opportunities, and helps them identify the endless educational possibilities in seemingly mundane spaces they encounter everyday. Pop Spot! brings colorful and eye-catching playing, reading, singing and talking activities through various public spaces such as the Women, Infants and Children’s (WIC) health center waiting room. This space provides a range of activities for caregivers and their toddlers to engage  like scavenger hunts, emotional literacy feeling wheel, reading stations, and a slider puzzle.

Poem by: Dasha Kelly

Whiteboard character illustration by: The NEXT Museum, Frankie Latino, Reginald Baylor and Melissa Courtney